Hugh Buduel Hugh Buduel, a Norman knight, having fled from home on account of a murder that he had committed, took refuge among the Moslems, and adopted their creed; but he returned to his ancient faith at the siege of Jerusalem. His knowledge of the language and manners of the Saracens made him highly acceptable to the pilgrims, and they therefore readily excused his apostasy. |
Hugh Buduel William Pantulf, Lord of Wemme, went to Italy in 1077 CE accompanied by Robert de Grentemaisnil, a former Abbot of St. Évroul, now living in Italy. In December 1079 CE the Countess Mable Belsme, was assassinated at Bures-sur-Dive, by one Hugh de Jalgey (alias Hugh de Buduel), whom she had deprived of his Ancestral Castle of Roehe-Jalgey. William Pantulf, who had returned from Apulia, was accused of complicity to this daring deed. He was a good friend of Hugh de Buduel. He also had suffered, like him, from Mable’s tyranny, as the Countess had deprived him of his Castle of Piretum. Countess Mable Belsme was the wife of Roger II de Montgomery, later the 1st Earl of Shrewsbury Gisle of Montfort-sur-Risle. |